Upgrade Deep V Cigar Cutter: This butane lighter features a deeper V cigar cutter than our last model, making it even more useful for cigar lovers; The sharp cutter can handle cigars with a ring gauge up to 60
Strong Straing Tripple Jet Flame: The refillable lighters for smoking are built with 3 high-temperature-resistant ceramic nozzles and a strong, straight, high-pressure injection jet flame to help ignite cigars more evenly and quickly
Sturdy & Stable Cigar Rest: The honeycomb embossed pattern on the back of this cool lighter creates a sturdy and anti-slip cigar rest, making it a great cigar accessory; The diameter of this cigar rest is 0.9 inch, suitable for cigars below 60G
Durable Zinc Alloy Cigar Lighter: FANKAI's torch lighter is made of top zinc alloy with hairline finish, providing a sturdy and stylish design; The compact size of 3.14*1.65*0.82 inch and lightweight of 0.3 lb make it easy to carry around
Cigar Gift for Men: FANKAI tripple jet flame cigar lighter has a eye apperence look and useful cigar accessories which packaged in a gift box, we believe the lighter is perfect choice for Father's Day, birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day and New Year
After-Sale Service: If you don’t like this lighter or have any questions, please feel free to contact us; We are always ready to help you; Customers love our durable and stylish cigar lighter, so don't hesitate to give it a try