Luxury Accessories Set with Drawer: This cigar humidor features a drawer to store essential cigars accessories. Ideal for cigars to smoke, travel cigar humidor, and cigar accessories
Maintain Ideal Humidity: The adjustable hygrometer monitors humidity between 60% and 70%, ensuring optimal freshness for your cigars. Essential for collectors and perfect for maintaining cigars to smoke, cigar humidors, and humidor humidifier
High-Quality Spanish Cedar: Crafted from premium Spanish Cedar, this humidor holds 20-50 cigars depending on ring gauge. Ideal for personal use or as a centerpiece for your cigar lounge. Great for cigars to smoke, cigars for men, and Cuban cigars
Secure Magnetic Seal: With a magnetic seal and metal hinges, this humidor ensures a tight closure to preserve your cigars. The movable divider and glass top offer easy visibility, perfect for maintaining cigars to smoke and travel humidor cigar box
Artisan Design and Portability: Handcrafted with a luxurious finish, this humidor is perfect for desktop, travel, or office use. Best kept in a cooler environment, it’s a refined choice for cigar enthusiasts who value cigars to smoke
Versatile and Portable: Functions as a portable humidor, mini cigar case, or small humidor. Ideal for cigar starter kits and travel. Keep cigars fresh with this premium humidor, perfect for cigars to smoke, cigar cases for men, and humidor box