Unique Cigar Ashtrays: Creative boat shape design cigar ashtray, exquisite appearance, fashion and personality.smoking a cigar is more than just a enjoying of flavor,a comfortable looking ashtray can also add to the joy of smoking a cigars.
Portabl Cigar Ashtray:Its yachts styling design with olive-shaped bottom, makes for a more comfortable grip. The well-sized makes it easy to be a great travel cigar ashtray or a RV ashtray. Cigar Ashtray is a wise pick when you're on a cigar break or having cigar sessions with friends.
Easy to Clean and Use: With a simple rinse or wipe, the ashtray will regain its luster again. Compared with other cigar ashtray ,our large-capacity cigar holder does not have the trouble of not being able to hold a single cigar ash, and its golden ratio flute size can easily support cigars of any size. Of course, if you want to pump more, you may need to clean up.
Great Outdoor and Indoor Cigar Ashtray: Due to its Durable material, our cigar ashtray is more resistant to corrosion and more suitable for indoor and outdoor use, it is the ideal indoor and outdoor cigarette accessory for the patio, home, office, garden, hotel, restaurant or anywhere in between.
CIGARWONG SERVICE: Sincerely thank you for choosing our products. It must be our pleasure, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!